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Student recruitment of Oregon State University
发布人:高强  发布时间:2017-11-19   浏览次数:190

Hi Prof. Xu,


How are you? I remember that I reviewed a few Transactions on Industrial Electronics papers when you served as an editor. I was still a PhD student of Prof. Philip Krein back then, and next year I will join Oregon State University as an assistant professor. I look forward very much to joining the international academic community and strongly supporting the professional activities of our colleagues.


As we know, the first few grad students are crucial to a group's growth, so I appreciate if you could help forward the following ad, along with the attached flyer, to any graduating BS/MS students who are interested in power and want to study in the US. Perhaps there is a local mailing group or a website for post at HIT? My research group's website is now live for anyone to check out. Thank you in advance regarding this matter! 



各位同学好,我是明年即将入职的AP教授,现为2018年秋季招收研究生,有充足RA/TA指标,请大家参考以下信息和个人网站。本人毕业于UIUC,师从Philip T. Krein院士,关门弟子。曾参与多项前瞻性和工业界科研项目,工作于多所顶级公司。网页有更详细介绍,欢迎email联系。谢谢支持!

方向:EE Power and Energy Systems, particularly Power Electronics, Motor Drives, Energy Storage, Power Systems, Control 
学校:Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA



Best regards,

Yue Cao, Ph.D.


Courtesy Assistant Professor 

Energy Systems Group

School of EECS 

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR 97331

http://people.oregonstate.edu/~caoy2/ (research group)