‘Powering a Sustainable Future’
Call for Papers
IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (IEEE SPEC 2020) at Fiji
8 - 11 December 2020, Sheraton Resort, Denarau Island, Fiji.
IEEE SPEC 2020 [link] is the most important forum for researchers in Power Electronics in the Southern Hemisphere. It offers an ideal opportunity for researchers, engineers, academics and students from all over the world to bring the latest technological advances and applications in Power Electronics to the Southern Hemisphere, as well as to network and promote the discipline, strengthening the relationship between industry, academia and professionals.
Prominent researchers will present plenary speeches during the 4-day program that also features tutorials and technical sessions on theory, analysis, design, testing and advances within the field of power electronics.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
·Power semiconductor devices and modules
·Magnetic materials, passive components EMC and EMI
·Wireless power transfer systems
·Power converter topologies and design
·Modelling, simulation and control of power electronics converters and motor drives
·Electrical machines and sensorless control
·Power electronics in renewable energy systems
·Power electronics in smart grid and utility applications
·Power quality, harmonics and reactive power compensation
·Monitoring, interfacing and control of energy storage systems
·Power electronics in lighting applications
·Power electronics in automotive, aerospace and marine applications
·Industrial, commercial and residential applications of power electronics
·Power electronics in mechatronics and robotics
·Education and training
·Emerging topics in power electronics
IEEE PELS student travel grants will be offered to selected students.
Prospective authors are invited to submit digests the problem that will be addressed by the paper, author’s contribution, how it is different from the closest existing literature, major results that have been obtained and their significance.
Papers presented at the conference will be included in the IEEEXplore Digital Library.
Please check www.ieee-spec2020.orgfor detailed guidelines regarding digest preparation and submission.
Digest Submission: July 30, 2020
Notification of Acceptance: September 30, 2020
Final Paper Submission: October 20, 2020
We look forward to meeting you in Fiji in December 2020.
Kind Regards,
Farzad Farajizadeh
Publicity Chair, IEEE SPEC 2020