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EPE’18 ECCE Europe 征稿
发布人:高强  发布时间:2017-11-14   浏览次数:46


The Call for papers of EPE'18 ECCE Europe is now available on-line: http://www.epe2018.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2017/08/Call2018.pdf

Please note the following deadlines:


Receipt of Synopses:

1stof December 2017 (New Deadline !)

Notification of provisional acceptance:

1st of March 2018

Receipt of full typescript for final review:

1st of June 2018

More information about the conference can be found and will be published soon on:www.epe2018.com
Synopses can be uploaded as of now. Please have a look at:http://www.epe2018.com/synopsis-guidelines/